DiscretizeConvenience fns to discretize a numeric vector using different methods |
Discretize a numeric vector |
Calculate breaks to discretize a numeric vector, using different methods |
List break methods |
Label breaks as base::cut would do |
Label breaks as an interval |
Label breaks using only point values (discarding lowest) |
data.frame summarizationA way to summarize data. Although there are several tools out there, none of those fit my needs/workflow. So here’s a strongly opinionated approach to data.frame summarization. |
Summarize a data.frame using an opinionated -and perhaps controversial- approach |
Summarize a data.frame by applying |
Summarize an object, typically a vector (a column from a data.frame) |
Join dataFunctions that come to the rescue when your dirty data do not play nice with a simple left_join |
Left join lhs and rhs, using a phased approach |
PlotsQuick and helpful plots, mostly, to fit my EDA workflows. Quick in the sense that most of them should be a one-function-call-plot. Helpful in the sense that they include info I will likely find useful. |
Plot a denstogram |
Plot Empirical Cummulative Distribution Function for xvar |
Time |
Add chunk hook funtionality to print EXPLAIN results from DuckDB |
Stop blogdown (hugo/jekyll) server |
Text file helpersJust little helpers to work with plain text files |
Glimpse first n lines of a file |
Glimpse last n lines of a file |
Glimpse first and last n/2 lines of a file |
Guess data types in a delimited text file (thin wrapper on data.table::fread) |
PostgresHere we make into a function recurrent operations while working with data in PostgreSQL, typically, with the server in the local machine running on Windows. It automates some easy things. And we have to admit it, we keep forgetting the syntax for some queries (looking at you pg_get_running_queries) |
Compose a SQL query to create a table in a Postgres database, matching the data in a text file |
Copy data directly from a delimited text-file (csv) to a table in PostgreSQL |
Create a foreign table in Postgres, to directly access data in a text file |
Check if |
Query table's size in the Postgres database of given |
Copy data to a postgres instance |
Kill a running query in Postgres |
List running queries in Postgres |
Data wrangling helpersCommon data wrangling tasks |
Check if a variable is unique, i.e., there are as many unique values in the object as the total number of values |
Filter duplicated row by the columns indicated in by |
Filter duplicated row by the columns ... |
Find the mode in a vector x |
Find the mode in a vector x |
Check if the |
Text wrangling helpersA few fns to help in processing text data |
Normalize text, removing spaces, common punctuation and non-ascii characters |
Parse an hierarchical annotation into a data.frame |
Parse an hierarchical annotation into a data.frame |
ggplot2 helpersFns to reduce code duplication in writing ggplot2 |
Calculate hjust/vjust to align labels to the end of bars in ggplot2 |
Calculate hjust/vjust to align labels to the end of bars in ggplot2 |
MiscMiscellaneous functions (within an already miscellaneous package) |
base::attr with a default value instead of NULL, and always exact |
Return the first non-null argument |
One-way tabulate table |
Assert a condition within a data frame |
Test if x is NA, NaN, Inf, -Inf, NULL |
Read from the clipboard to create a data.frame |
Copy an object to the clipboard |
Print memory use (total and each object in the global environment) |
Append a timestamp to |
"Delete by ellipsis" column names, putting the original column names as a tooltip |
Open a file or URL in the system's default application |
Function that defines the operator %#% to concatenate strings |
Function that defines the operator %#% to concatenate strings |