Iterates through all the objects of a dataset, call summarize_obj on each, and aggregates the results in a data.frame. This one is not meant to be called directly, because it returns a data.frame full of information but not really visual friendly. But we export it anyway, in case it is useful at some point.




data.frame object to summarize


a data.frame summarizing the original data.frame with information such as length (number of elements), number of na, number of unique elements, sum, min, max, mean, median, percentiles, most frequent values


#> # A tibble: 11 × 38
#>    varname obj_type obj_class obj_label n_obj  n_na  p_na n_uniq p_uniq top1_key
#>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>     <chr>     <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 mpg     double   numeric   ""           32     0     0     25 0.781  21      
#>  2 cyl     double   numeric   ""           32     0     0      3 0.0938 8       
#>  3 disp    double   numeric   ""           32     0     0     27 0.844  275.8   
#>  4 hp      double   numeric   ""           32     0     0     22 0.688  110     
#>  5 drat    double   numeric   ""           32     0     0     22 0.688  3.92    
#>  6 wt      double   numeric   ""           32     0     0     29 0.906  3.44    
#>  7 qsec    double   numeric   ""           32     0     0     30 0.938  17.02   
#>  8 vs      double   numeric   ""           32     0     0      2 0.0625 0       
#>  9 am      double   numeric   ""           32     0     0      2 0.0625 0       
#> 10 gear    double   numeric   ""           32     0     0      3 0.0938 3       
#> 11 carb    double   numeric   ""           32     0     0      6 0.188  4       
#> # ℹ 28 more variables: top2_key <chr>, top3_key <chr>, top4_key <chr>,
#> #   top5_key <chr>, top6_key <chr>, top7_key <chr>, top1_count <int>,
#> #   top2_count <int>, top3_count <int>, top4_count <int>, top5_count <int>,
#> #   top6_count <int>, top7_count <int>, top1_count_p <dbl>, top2_count_p <dbl>,
#> #   top3_count_p <dbl>, top4_count_p <dbl>, top5_count_p <dbl>,
#> #   top6_count_p <dbl>, top7_count_p <dbl>, mean <chr>, sd <chr>, min <chr>,
#> #   q25 <chr>, median <chr>, q75 <chr>, max <chr>, obj_hist <list>