Returned as tibble, with percentages

tab(vctr, .drop = FALSE)



a vector to tabulate


Handling of factor levels that don't appear in the data, passed on to group_by().

For count(): if FALSE will include counts for empty groups (i.e. for levels of factors that don't exist in the data).

[Deprecated] For add_count(): deprecated since it can't actually affect the output.


tibble with columns value, n, perc


vctr <- sample(LETTERS[1:5], 1000, TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>   value n          perc      
#>   <chr> <formttbl> <formttbl>
#> 1 A     213        21.3%     
#> 2 D     207        20.7%     
#> 3 B     202        20.2%     
#> 4 C     189        18.9%     
#> 5 E     189        18.9%     
# Includes NAs count
vctr <- sample(c(LETTERS[1:5], NA), 1000, TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   value n          perc      
#>   <chr> <formttbl> <formttbl>
#> 1 B     180        18.0%     
#> 2 A     171        17.1%     
#> 3 NA    170        17.0%     
#> 4 C     169        16.9%     
#> 5 E     160        16.0%     
#> 6 D     150        15.0%     
# For factors, by default keeps levels not present in data
vctr <- factor(
  x = sample(c(LETTERS[1:5], NA), 1000, TRUE),
  levels = c(LETTERS[1:5], "Levels", "not present", "in data")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 3
#>   value       n          perc      
#>   <fct>       <formttbl> <formttbl>
#> 1 NA          181        18.1%     
#> 2 C           171        17.1%     
#> 3 A           169        16.9%     
#> 4 D           165        16.5%     
#> 5 E           162        16.2%     
#> 6 B           152        15.2%     
#> 7 Levels      0          0.0%      
#> 8 not present 0          0.0%      
#> 9 in data     0          0.0%